We organize open and internal training both. Furthermore, we conduct training needs analyses, prepare and administer projects of theoretical and practical training in collaboration with a team composed of expert lectors well known in Lithuania and abroad.
During our open trainings, participants are provided with possibilities to acquire diverse experience, generate fresh ideas and get acquainted with representatives of various enterprises. They get real opportunities to share knowledge and best practices among themselves. Our training programs are based on dynamic activities, experiences, practical tasks and discussions. Before each training session, our materials are upgraded in order to correspond to the needs of all participants.
During our internal trainings, we seek to solve the problems of a specific company or organization, whose employees are partaking in the training, to analyze the problematic situations they experience at work and to create practical instruments to solve them. Before the training commences, our experts analyze the company’s activities and specify the training needs with its administration and employees. The instruments, which we create and which the employees have a chance to try out during the training sessions, provide a basis for the company’s higher success in the future.
conduct an analysis of the present situation in your company, assess the level of skills of your employees, identify the goals of training and draw up a plan
recruit professional lectors/consultants with extensive practical experience, active not only in Lithuania but abroad as well
select a suitable format of training and modern also effective methods of learning
provide a suitable space for learning, take care of catering and supply any other services
needed for training
administer any and all documents, related to the implementation of EU projects
create training tools and hand them over for internal usage by the company‘s