Prepared applications for EU grants:
Our funding receiving rate
Our administered EU support projects.
In 2018, our focus is on projects related to training, business investment, export, environment, energy, scientific research, experimental development and social issues.
As the present year advances, we are happy to be working on several huge projects under the following instruments: HIT Industry LT+, Eco-Innovation LT+, Renewable Energy Resources LT+ and Competences LT.

Raimondas Vytautas Sklėnys

Ignas Viliušis
Customer service manager

Ingrida Sklėnienė
Project manager

Neringa Vanagaitė – Viliušė
Project manager

Sigita Korsun
Business development manager

Romualdas Trumpa
Project manager

Kęstutis Driskius
Market research manager

Regina Bėliakienė
Project manager

Gintarė Drungilaitė
Project manager